Year 5
Year 5 students learn to work on their projects confidently and in an organised and independent manner with a variety of technology.
Students are ready to take on the challenges of their final two years in the Junior School. They learn to work on projects in an organised and independent manner through the use of Information Technology, and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding in each of the Key Learning Areas: English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE), Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), Creative Arts and Languages. Year 5 inquire into systems that connect us and examine the role and the importance of goods and services when driving the economies of the world. Year 5 students think critically and reflect on their learning process. Students also sit for the National Assessment Program (NAPLAN), external assessments which assist the School in supporting the future learning of our students.
Year 6
Year 6 is the culmination of seven years of primary education.
Year 6 is the culmination of seven years of primary education. Students successfully achieve the required outcomes in each of the Key Learning Areas: English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE), Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), Creative Arts and Languages. Through Exhibition, Year 6 students demonstrate how they have become principled inquirers into the world around them. They grapple with a range of social, ethical and moral issues facing people around the globe. Year 6 students are also well prepared for the next stage of their educational journey through the Year 7 transition program.