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The game of chess is over 1300 years old and is one of the oldest and most popular games in the world. Chess is a two-player strategy game between two armies with 16 pieces for each player. The objective of the game is to place the opponent's King into checkmate, which means the King is trapped. Chess is easy to learn, but can take a lifetime to master. At Chess Club, students have the opportunity to play the ‘ChessKid’ app. They can play a robot or their classmates on the app and learn strategies and skills to improve their game. Students in the Senior Years engage in Chess matches with their fellow students. Experienced Chess players can learn from a Chess Master from the Sydney Academy of Chess who runs our Competitive Chess group. 

Junior School Students are invited to join our Tuesday after school Chess Program. The first half of each class consists of an interactive lecture from the chess coach. In the second half, students play games to put their newly learned strategies into practice.