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Year 6 Exhibition

The PYP Exhibition provides opportunity for students to apply all that they have learned throughout their time as PYP students. It is a celebration of their learning, which entails formal presentations, musical performances and creative design. Over 8 weeks, Year 6 students had the chance to work collaboratively to investigate a global issue with local significance. On Friday, 20 September, the students demonstrated their understanding of the 5 essential elements: knowledge, skills, attitudes, concepts and action.  They also exhibited all of the learner profiles attributes such as being open-minded, principled, reflective and courageous as they performed and presented to an audience.

The transdisciplinary theme for this year’s Exhibition was “Sharing the Planet” and the groups inquired into issues facing us today, such as Climate Change, War and Conflict, Homelessness, Addictions, Animal Welfare, Future of Technology, Sport Issues and Pollution.

To begin the process, students started writing their lines of inquiry and identified the key concepts that would drive their investigation. Students thought about their own questions to help structure their inquiries and then made connections with Maths, Science, French and the Creative Arts.

During Exhibition, the students learned from a variety of sources including news articles, documentaries, mentors and experts. Students also had several opportunities to complete peer and self-assessments of their progress. This involved giving their group members feedback of what they had done well, and what they could further improve. 

Taking action is a significant part of the Inquiry Cycle and to foster this, the students were asked the following questions:

  • What would you do if you could change the world?
  • What problems or issues are important to you?
  • What action would you take to help solve them?

Through spreading awareness, supporting charities, providing interactive opportunities and offering assistance to individuals and organisations, the students in Year 6 have made a difference to the lives of others. These ‘action’ proposals and implementations are ongoing and will inevitably continue.

Exhibition was really fun because we could work as a team to complete activities. I think that our group worked well as a team, because we communicated very well. We managed our time well and made sure everyone was able to complete their tasks accurately. Researching our topic was very fun because you could use many different sources such as news articles, videos, books and documentaries. When we started the rehearsals, it was exciting because we had our own part to play to make it work. I had to shout “SING IT!” in the Queen Medley. 

When we had our first performance on Friday night, it was very nerve-wracking but I got through it. When I was talking I was very nervous but I spoke fluently and clearly. My group also spoke clearly and people could understand them. My parents really enjoyed my presentation. That is why I liked Exhibition. - Jaiden

Exhibition was very eventful and challenging at times. Some of the challenges included working with different people, who have different learning styles as me and helping them to their work or them being very independent and working by themselves. Also, it was a bit hard not to feel your stress levels rise. I felt like I would of done a few things differently now that it is over and would have found a lot more information.

For my action, I am going to wear orange for Orange Sky Day on the 10th of October to support the homeless. I also encouraged the whole of Junior School to do it as well. I saw one action that really brought my attention to their issue and this was the Plastic group with Andrea, Taylor, Demin and Sang. What they did was, their whole group went around junior school with volunteers, at recess and lunch to collect all the plastic waste that was used in one day. This made me realise how much plastic I use in one day. - Georgia

I enjoyed lots of elements of Exhibition. I enjoyed working with different people that I have never worked with before and learning how the do things and process things. I liked how my group worked collaboratively and were on track. When we came across some disagreements, we settled them as a group and continued on with our work.

I also enjoyed learning about my topic. I have discovered so many new things that I would never had known if I didn’t do Exhibition. I got new information from many different places: my peers, my teachers, my expert, websites, books, articles, and many other helpful sources.

The final thing that I enjoyed the most was putting together the whole thing; the opening and closing performances and the display boards. It was exciting to see that the things we had been working on for the past term come together and look amazing. It was a self-accomplishment to come this far in such a short amount of time. The display boards were all so unique and different from each other. They were all displayed in a fun, exciting way and were very intriguing. - Keira

Exhibition was a great experience that I will never forget because it has changed my way of thinking and creativity immensely I have strengthened and created many new strengths that will help my whole life and I just have to say, thank you, thank you for everything, I want to thank my group for never letting me down and my mentor for helping us improve and understand our topic and out teachers for staying late and dedicating time to cut, laminate print stuff after school and help us through this journey. - Sahil

I enjoyed almost everything except for presenting my information in front of my parents. Writing my slam poetry, designing our masks and practising the extra performances, River dance and French Connection were some of my absolute favourites. I learnt so much from researching and reading case studies that my knowledge on climate change is much bigger than before. I also researched on food wastage and I was very surprised when I found that food waste contributes to climate change just as much as burning fossils fuels does.

In my opinion, my action turned out much better than I thought it would even though it had nothing to do with coal mines. Our group had awesome actions, especially Max because he took the time to 3d print things to bring into school for our group, I have to admit that they are pretty cool. Shinji and Billy worked on flyers to hand out to our audience promoting to not use vehicles as much. I watched other groups and some of their actions were fantastic! For example, the group next to us which were, the human impact on animals group created a game which included winning prizes and they gave out honey which made lots of people come to their display board. I didn’t get to play it but I watched and it sure looked fun!

Some advice I would give to future students is that you should definitely manage time and complete all your work before the deadline if it’s possible so you don’t have to worry too much. Try to stay confident and positive throughout the journey of Exhibition because it will help you in the long run.

Overall Exhibition has helped me so much with my education and will help me with many things that will come in high school. Without my teachers and peers to help me Exhibition would have been impossible. - Megan

Exhibition has been my highlight in Year 6 so far. Exhibition was very fun and stressful. I enjoyed exhibition because I had a wonderful group and we all contributed to tasks evenly and with full effort. Exhibition was a wonderful experience to have in Year 6. Now that I have completed exhibition it won’t be as much stressful to talk in front of a big crowd when I’m older (hopefully). My group and I worked our butts off until we became happy and proud with our presentation. My groupmates were Daniel, Tanya and Florentine. These people are hardworking and persistent because they never gave up and kept trying until we were proud. - Hasan

The night of Exhibition was nerve-wracking, presenting in front of adults without palm cards, only your memory. We had many rehearsals for the opening night, and I chose to be a Master of Ceremonies adding even more pressure. All of the dances and songs were not helping. ‘When is my queue?” “What is my line?” “Did I do a good job, no, a spectacular job?” Thoughts were spinning around my head like a tornado. The opening performance went well, and we handled unexpected situations well. Then it was time – time to present. A few minutes later I had a huge smile on my face. I did it!! Then the closing performance happened, and I was on my way home. 

Exhibition is an experience I will cherish forever! The memory of it makes me proud. I know the amazing outcome of this task was not possible without my hard-working teachers and parents support. - Anousheh

Congratulations to the Class of 2025, you chose how to express your learning creatively through art, film, dance and model-making. You also decided on how you might make a difference, what impact you want to make and what kind of action to take. Above all, you began to understand that your choices define who you are as individuals. Well done on a fantastic Exhibition!

Year 6 Teachers