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Our Group have seen a lot of birds in the community eating rubbish and we wanted to fix this. we have decied that the best way to stop this, is to make sure that the birds can't get the rubbish from the bins in the first place. We believe that with this bin, less birds will eat the rubbish from the bin. Which will leave a positive impact on the enviorment. We were inspired by Dr. K-lynn Smith, who gave us a deeper understanding about biomimicry.

Why were we interested in this topic?
We chose this topic because we care about the animals at our school and their wellbeing. We have similar view about animals so we decided to take action for the safety of animals at hills.

What have we learned about collaboration?
We have learnt that collaboration is vital for a responsible and reliable group. We have also learnt that collaboration is teamwork and it is key to success and that everyone should have it as an important skill.

How have we helped each other throughout the process?
We have helped each other by using our communication skills and teamwork. We have supported each other when we were stuck. Each member respected another's opinions and we all agreed on a final product together.

What is critical thinking and what have we learned about it?
Critical thinking is when we decide whether work is or isn't relevant to our current topic. To think critically is to evaluate information and decide if it is trustworthy, relevant, reliable or not. We have learnt to check the date of when a passage was written, to check its relevance to our topic.

What was one expert that inspired you the most and why?
Dr. K-Lynn Smith inspired us the most because she taught us the concept of biomimicry very deeply. She said that simple observations make significant differences in the way we think. A doctor saw a seashell while attempting to design a device that helps a person hear. He noticed a seashell, took inspiration from the way a blade of grass can twirl inside the shell, and successfully invented the hearing aid. This is because soundwaves travel in our ears the same way the grass travelled in the seashell.