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From the Principal

With the end of 2019 fast approaching, I'd like to take a moment to explain why we are so passionate about Hills Grammar and our community of students, staff and parents, past, present and future. 

At Hills Grammar, we do not, as a School or as individuals within it, rest on our laurels and, instead, continuously look to be the best we can be.

As Term 4 commences staff have again been involved in their own professional learning. I witnessed a real commitment to learning and a passionate desire to think deeply about what we do and why we do it?

Education is a long game, not a short one and we should never lose sight of this as it sustains us by linking our work as teachers, support staff and parents in partnership in ensuring education and growth of the children and young people who attend our School.  Our learning and pedagogical journey is future-focused, embeds twenty- first century skills, offers academic rigour, is holistic and reminds us that we are preparing students for life, not just tests, or the workplace. As a staff we are so privileged to be able to share our passion and love of learning with our students on a daily basis.

I am very confident that Hills Grammar’s approach to learning and teaching is exceptional and I constantly receive validation of this from parents, students, visitors to the school, employers and via interaction and listening to our alumni who reflect the graduate aim and desired outcome of a Hills Grammar education.

As recently expressed by one current parent:

“I am so thankful that due to our decision of sending our daughter to Hills Grammar that she is thriving, not only academically but as a confident and humble young lady amongst her many peers. She recently expressed that she is sad that next year is HSC which means an end to her senior school years - a real credit to her cohort and the school as a whole. Our son is also finding his own individual feet and learning to grow from within himself. I cannot ask for more than that. Regardless of ATAR, they will become great, well-rounded adults.  I am thrilled with the whole experience both my children are having at Hills Grammar. This School is great and offers such opportunities for individual growth.”