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From the Principal

The Annual Report is a public document, produced each year to provide the School and wider community with information about Hills Grammar during the preceding year of operation. This Report has been prepared in respect to the 2019 school year.

The School reports to, and engages frequently with its community, through face to face interactions, newsletters and other publications, but the Annual Report brings together in one place, for the audiences interest and information, key achievements and indicators of our success as a school. However, as we know education is more than its component parts and any written document cannot capture fully the joy and delight of being a member of a vibrant community such as Hills Grammar.

It’s easy in this time of compliance, measurement, targets and league tables to lose sight of what the primary purpose of our school days should be? To quote Matthew Arnold, English poet - The epitome of an education should be “best of what has been thought and said” and the measure of any civilisation, of any culture, is the extent to which learning is held as important. However, there is a much more immediate reason for pursuing learning for its own sake: it is a joy!

Anyone who has ever taught a child – whether it be how to ride a bike or why the dinosaurs became extinct– will have seen the light in their eyes when they have finally mastered a tricky concept. Those Eureka moments are what make teachers continue in the profession, as they find joy in witnessing the joy of learning.

At Hills Grammar we are not distracted from what we value and we are true to our profession as educators, knowing that by focusing on ‘education for education sake’, the outcomes, statistical and otherwise, will come. We celebrate these as they capture the essence and potential of an extraordinary education and the extraordinary individuals that result. I publicly acknowledge all students, staff, parents, School Council and partners and thank all who have contributed to the attainment of the outcomes reported in this Annual Report.

I am confident that in 2019 there was abundant evidence that our students have received an extraordinary education and that our School has been true to its Mission ‘Outstanding teaching within a unique learning environment fostering in each student their potential for greatness’. 

I commend the 2019 Annual Report to you.

Michael Smith | Principal