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National HPE Day

National Health and PE Day is on Wednesday 6 September. This day has been designed to raise awareness of, and advocate for, a greater focus of PE and physical activity in our schools, and its associated benefits. Hills Grammar will be partaking in this by doing a number of activities and events that have been organised by Year 9 PASS students and these will be held throughout the week of September 4 - 8.

The whole school community from ECEC to Year 11 will be taking part in activities including Badminton, Basketball, Football, Backyard Games and finally the big event, a giant selfie scavenger hunt around the school, which takes place just after lunch on Wednesday 6 September.

In addition, teachers at the start and end of the day will be doing brain exercises and are encouraged to incorporate activity into their lesson in support of National Health and Physical Education day.

We encourage everyone from parents to ECEC students to get active on this day and every day!

Why celebrate National HPE Day?

An educated nation, comprising active and healthy young people, is the best investment we can make in the future. Learning in HPE makes an important, positive difference to their time as students and their lifelong participation and health outcomes. Parents and communities also play a central role in promoting, facilitating and modelling positive lifestyle behaviours. Visit www.hpeday.com.au for further information.

Benefits of physical activity for children

Australian school children rank among the worst in the world when it comes to their physical activity levels and sedentary behaviours. The growing body of research shows that participation in HPE and physical activity leads to better student engagement, improved academic achievement during the school years, and also better outcomes in adult life.

Aidan | Year 9 PASS Student