fbpx The Learning Centre | Creativity: Engaging Learners for the Realities of the 21st Century - 22 August | Hills Grammar

The Learning Centre | Creativity: Engaging Learners for the Realities of the 21st Century - 22 August

Presenter | Dr Michael Anderson 

Dr Michael Anderson is Professor of Creativity and Arts Education in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work at The University of Sydney and Co-Director of the CREATE Centre. He is an internationally recognised educational leader in school transformation processes, arts and creativity education. He has taught, researched, and published in education and transformation for over 20 years, including 19 books and over 60 book chapters and journal articles. His international research and practice focus on how the 4Cs can be integrated using coherent frameworks to support leaders as they work towards transformation in their contexts.

Michael's most recent work emerging from his research and partnerships with schools include Transforming Education (with Miranda Jefferson, Bloomsbury, 2021) and Transforming Schools  (2017).

Session Information

Our schools were designed in a world that looks very different to the one we live in today. Over the past 30 years, technology has fundamentally changed how we work, live, and learn. In the face of these changes many of our schools have begun to transform to make them more creative, collaborative, communicative and critically reflective places.

So, what can parents do through the ebb and flow of everyday life to use creativity to engage their children in learning and life, in ways that relate to the realities of the 21st Century? Join Professor Anderson to consider ways that parents can help meet the educational and developmental needs of our young people to not only survive but thrive through the development of cognitive interpersonal and intrapersonal dispositions. Approaches including The Learning Disposition Wheel will be considered as possibilities to build innovative, deep, and engaging learning that prepare our young people for the challenges of their present and our future.

Session Date and Time

Venue: Hills Grammar – Details provided to Registrants prior to the event
Date: Term 3, Week 6B, Tuesday 22 August
Time: 6 – 7.30pm
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