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Investment in Education

‘There is no more important investment than in the education of children and young people. At Hills Grammar we appreciate that parents and carers are choosing to invest in their children’s future and we are privileged to work in partnership to achieve our shared goals’.

Thank you to all current parents / carers for choosing Hills Grammar as a school for their children. It would be easy to take you for granted, but I trust that you do not feel that the School does. In fact, we are very fortunate to have a parent body that is interested in education and in holistic education and we appreciate your trust, support and confidence. The decision to send your children to the School meant that you were inspired by its possibilities and that we were aligned with your aspirations and ambitions for your children.

Students become Hills Grammarians at different ages and, of course, they can because our students range from three to eighteen years old, boys and girls on one safe and beautiful campus. Whether they enter the Early Childhood Education Centre, Kindergarten, Year 7 or at any other point they are immediately welcome, inspired and engaged in their learning, characterised by a rich and diverse curriculum, a wide array of co-curricular activities and vast opportunities to grow through our focus on wellbeing.

The Hills Grammar journey is an interesting one for all concerned – parents, students and staff, but the common thread is a belief in, and commitment to the love of learning and the value of education. As the adults in the partnership, staff and parents need to understand the journey of our children, our students as this understanding determines the part we will play:  leader, guide, teacher, disciplinarian, facilitator, observer, encourager, nurturer and validator. They are often very incisive, open, fearless, honest and transparent – apart from a few years spent in the teenage tunnel. Even during these sometimes difficult years we must ensure the connections with us, as significant adults in their lives, are maintained and not severed, which requires paitence. Sometimes we are required to be hands on, other times hands off – it is a difficult role and we often get it wrong. How do we know then what is required and when? The answer is simple - listen to our children.

I reoffer the following, which we penned a few years ago, and is on our website, for your consideration as it describes the stages of our students’ journey. I invite you to give thought to the role of parents, carers and staff as it shifts, waxes and wanes and depending on how well we navigate our roles, is a key determinant on the educational and personal outcomes achieved by the children and young people of our School. Our role is crucial – let’s know it, know it well and ensure we are the best we can be to ensure the best for our children / students.

All the World's a Stage

(with apologies to William Shakespeare)

At first, the infant,
Scribbling and listening to the parent read

Then the nervous school child, with new backpack
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
The first day to School

And then the Learner
Lapping up Knowledge, with a cheerful song
Made to his teacher’s mantra

Then a tall child
Full of strange thoughts and wonders like the bard
Sharp in Maths, sudden and quick in debate
Unafraid of other’s reputations
Even of the teacher’s mouth

And then the scholar
In fair summer with Tablet PC primed
With eyes wider to new curriculum
And so she plays her part

Now Year 9 shifts
Into the lean and sometimes troubled teen
With trousers loose and shirt undone;
With things to learn but world view not yet wide

Yet still the seeds of learning are sewn
Turning again toward the parent, listens
And sings again sweet song

Last scene of all
That ends this strange eventful history
Is second childishness post-examinations
Sans books, sans pens, sans school, sans everything

As we watch the growth and development of the children and young people of Hills Grammar and as they journey through the School I hope you remain as inspired by the possibilities of a Hills Grammar education as you did when you signed the Offer of Enrolment Acceptance form. As a School we remain committed to your children and working in partnership with you to ensure the relationship is strong and solid throughout, and long after, the Hills Grammar journey concludes.  

Michael Smith  | Principal 

Twitter: @Principal_Hills