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From the Head of Junior School

What a wonderful start to the year it has been. There is a genuine sense of calm and resilience amongst our students as well as a visible excitement and enthusiasm for learning. Our staff are working closely with your child to ensure both wellbeing needs as well as authentic academic rigor are carefully and individually considered. Our kinder students, new students and of course our existing students, have settled beautifully into the new school year and are embracing everything our unique school has to offer.

It was lovely to see so many families join us for our Junior School Information Evening in week 1. Hosting this event so early in the year gave us the opportunity to ensure families are aware of all that Junior has to offer and meet directly with their child’s grade team in classrooms.

Goal setting meetings were also a huge success.  These are a terrific way for parents and class teachers to connect and collaborate on individual goals for each student to ensure we are continuing the individual school journey for each Hills Grammar Original. We pride ourselves on open and regular communication and encourage families to keep in touch with class teachers in relation to any questions or follow-up required.

Thank you too to so many families who joined us for The Evening with the Principal at Biviano's. It is a wonderful occasion, not only to connect with key staff and have the opportunity to hear our visionary Principal Karen Yager speak, but also to meet and socialise with other parents.

Our Junior School Swimming Carnival was a wonderful success today. Our students displayed exemplary House spirit and participation in events was commendable. Great work Junior School!

In Junior School we continue to integrate our Wellbeing Program K-6 across all aspects of each student's school day. Promoting learning and wellbeing at Hills Grammar is key to the daily lived experience of every individual student. Our small class sizes enable our staff to know our students well, and adjust the classroom environment to help enrich connections with each student both individually and as part of a whole class.

Our staff and students work in partnership on our school values of Respect, Integrity, Service and Excellence. These values are celebrated through our RISE award system and staff look for every opportunity to proactively recognise and celebrate each student as they demonstrate these values across all aspects of the school day.

I would like to thank families for ensuring our students are dressed in the correct school uniform, it says so much about our school, especially to the public. I would also like to thank our wider school community for ensuring our four core Values of Respect, Integrity, Service and Excellence are clearly visible in the daily lived experience of all our students.

Sarah Black | Head of Junior School