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Farewell Year 12 - Class of 2017

As the term comes to a close yet another group of students is about to graduate from Hills Grammar. The Class of 2017 will participate in the Graduation Assembly and Presentation of Awards next week, joining those who have gone before in a school tradition which aims to acknowledge and celebrate their achievements, leadership and contribution to school life. During the Assembly each student will be presented to the Chair of School Council, Mr Charles Denes and receive a special graduation folder to mark the successful completion of their schooling. Students who have excelled in the academic program will also be acknowledged in the presentation of subject awards, and as part of the tradition, each graduate is presented with a posy of flowers by a Kindergarten student and then escorted off the stage symbolising the commencement and completion of thirteen years of schooling.

In 2017 we will also celebrate the educational journey of seventeen students who commenced their schooling at Hills Grammar as Kindergarten students. Also part of our tradition, these students will be receiving the School Medallion. I congratulate:

Callum Avery

Brianna Huynh

Adrian Oguz

James Boyaji

Sebastian Johnson

Laura Romeo

Zoe de Castro

Rheanna Kander

David Romic

Melissa Ertler

Peter Lautre

Liam Uhlmann

Lauren Farrell

Hannah Mitchell

Julien Wang

Sarah Gaffney

Tanya-Jade Naylon


on completing all of their schooling at Hills Grammar and thank them for their commitment to the school over this extended period of time.

The assembly will also allow our retiring School Captains to give their final address to the gathered, and in so doing, enable them, on behalf of their peers, to reflect upon their time at Hills Grammar. It would be remiss of me not to thank and mention our student leaders: Captains Kathryn Solomou and Tristan Dearden and Vice-Captains Zoe de Castro and Peter Lautre who have represented their school through their example, participation, commitment, support and humility as leaders of Year 12 and the School.

Each graduating class is remembered for different reasons, but invariably each possesses many of the qualities we endeavour to nurture in our students. In particular, the students of Year 12 have grown, not simply physically, but in character. Such growth is a natural part of life but the Class of 2017 have faced, and perhaps continue to face, challenges, choices and situations which have been difficult – the Higher School Certificate is but one of these. Whilst we would want for our children a complication free life, life has a habit of not always concurring with our hopes and expectations. We cannot then avoid such challenges but we can commit to dealing with them as well as we can and importantly ensuring that the experience of adversity or difficulty teach us something. I believe that the Class of 2017 has learned some valuable lessons in this regard and I trust they too will, if not already, come to understand that adversity can build character and strengthen us to face life’s challenges and importantly support others when they are in need. The Class of 2017 is, in my view, along way down this track. The Class of 2017 have increasingly displayed empathy, acceptance and loyalty - qualities of which they should be very proud. We have been honoured to have such a colourful cast of characters lead, contribute and enrich our school community.

I am confident that Year 12 are ready to face the challenges of the Higher School Certificate and that they will continue to contribute as they take their place in communities beyond ‘Hills’, which in turn will be better for their commitment, passion, talent, participation and involvement. We trust that the seeds of some of their qualities of character and tremendous potential and talent were planted, fed and nurtured whilst students of the Hills Grammar. Our task therefore is almost done. We look forward to hearing of, and celebrating the numerous exciting pathways the Class of 2017 will no doubt travel. We extend to all Year 12 every best wish for their immediate and long term futures.

Year 12 Graduation Assembly and Presentation of Awards

Please note the following details in regard to this special event in the life of our Year 12 students. Please be aware that the event is occurring and assist the School in managing the large number of people who will be on site for this occasion.

Date: Wednesday 20 September 2017
Time: 10.30am
Venue: Multi-Purpose Hall at The Hills Grammar School
Parking: Gate 1 (Non-attendees are asked not to park in this area on this day)
Disabled Access: Anyone requiring disabled access to the venue should contact Mischeal Fenton to make the appropriate arrangements at mischeal.fenton@hillsgrammar.nsw.edu.au

Michael Smith | Principal

Twitter: @Principal_Hills

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