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Farewell from Liz P

It’s almost 5 years since I took the Alumni Manager’s role as I eased into a part-time position. It felt like the most natural thing of all to work with past students, many of whom I taught in Junior School as a class teacher or drama teacher, in the Senior School as a History or Personal Development teacher, as a cast/backstage member of EXTRAs or simply as ‘the lady with the camera’ in my time as Marketing and Community Relations Manager. It’s been great! For over 40 years I have been given the many opportunities that a school of this vision and sense of community can offer its staff. Each role has been a joy and extended my learning and sense of belonging to a great institution, that is Hills Grammar. So many fabulous students, staff, alumni, parents to call ‘my community’. That won’t change – we are all Hills Originals and should be proud of that. I know I am.

So, I look forward to seeing you at the reunions, formal school events and catching up on your news via social media and the even more efficient ‘Hills grapevine’!

Take care and farewell until we meet again.

Liz Pellinkhof