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ECEC | Room 3

Welcome to Room 3! The children have been busy engaging in their unit of inquiry where they requested to learn about fire engines, sea creatures, flowers, numbers and letters this term.

The children have actively engaged in learning about different parts of fire engines, protective clothes of fire fighters, fire safety rules and emergency numbers. In the coming weeks, we will be having a visit from the local Fire Brigade who will be a representative from THGS alumni to continue teaching us about fire safety and the services fire fighters provide to our community. We look forward to sharing these details with families in the coming weeks.

Room 3 have taken great responsibility in taking care of our country by watering the garden on a regular basis. They have also created their own green houses to observe the life cycle of sunflowers. They’ve also become more confident in joining in our yarning circle to acknowledge our country each day and to show our appreciation to the land we learn and play on.

Visiting the school campus is another highlight of the term. The children have really enjoyed walking around the school campus searching for the flowers, plants, birds, insects, or animals that we have learnt about at ECEC. During this time, we also connect with students/teachers at big school during their recess/lunch breaks. It has been so much fun to be a part of the big school!

Room 3 children have also explored dental health, dressing up for book character parade, and showed appreciation and kindness to their friends, educators, families, and our communities through a range of cultural events.

Now Room 3 are busy planning for our upcoming school holidays and Term 4 where a lot of transitions and amazing things will be happening.  Looking forward to a great break and a fresh start of the term.