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Discovering our Early Childhood Education Centre

This year our Early Childhood Education Centre (ECEC) welcomed parents and carers for a special Discovery Day. The allocated time slots allowed attendees to discover the benefits of our extraordinary programs and facilities in a one on one setting, whilst being COVID safe. 

Parents were able to find out about ECEC’s personalised learning and generous staff to student ratios.  Every child at the ECEC has daily access to an early childhood qualified teacher enhancing their learning. With long day care hours of 7.30am – 6pm the ECEC offers a pre-school curriculum taught by qualified educators and enriched by access to specialist teachers for drama and physical education.  

Students aged between 3 – 5 years old enjoy the benefits of programs that follow the Early Learning Years Framework for learning: Belonging, Being & Becoming. This framework is brought to life with inspiration from the world-renowned Reggio Emilia philosophy which recognises that children are born with an innate sense of curiosity and wonder about the world in which they live. The framework, our philosophy, approach to learning and teaching, and the curriculum are aligned to the central notion of play-based learning, with a focus on encouraging and developing children’s interests, ideas, skills and needs in preparation for school.

With full access to the Hills Grammar facilities, ECEC staff and families work together to create and evaluate an individual goal for each child to work towards each term. In order to achieve their goals, each child is taught both individually and as part of a group. Families and staff meet regularly to discuss and evaluate each child’s progress.

Last year, the ECEC received its second Exceeding National Quality Standards rating under the National Quality Framework. The National Quality Standard (NQS) sets a national benchmark for the quality of children’s education and care services across Australia, and in August 2019, the ECEC received confirmation that they had again been awarded an ‘Exceeding National Standards’ rating.

To enrol your child at ECEC, or to book a virtual tour, please visit:
