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Academic Excellence

I have endeavoured to use the newsletter this semester to focus our attention on some of the directions we have identified as priorities going forward. As an educational institution learning is of course central to all we do – and we define learning in the broadest possible terms. However, the reality is that students spend the majority of their day in class with their peers learning, and with their teachers teaching. It is important therefore that we are able to explicitly articulate the nature of the academic journey Pre K to 12.

At a recent assembly with Years 7 & 8 I asked the students to articulate for me what they experienced in class each day. I was encouraged by their responses as they aligned with the following official statement that has been constructed these past twelve months in respect to our academic program.

‘Learning is developmental, with both the academic and social dimensions of learning managed by distinct and specialist educators, as children move from the Early Childhood through to the Junior School, and on to the Senior School, they grow and develop toward adulthood’

What links Hills Grammar’s academic program Pre K to 12 are the principles and practices of Guided Inquiry whereby outstanding teachers guide learning by being ‘active and reactive, to support, to prompt, to question and to continue to scaffold learning through a range of critical teaching practices that foster an atmosphere of questioning and debate’. Teaching based on guided inquiry, builds a culture of thinking and creativity and uncovers the deeper purpose of learning.

The academic journey takes many different turns as our students’ move through the School, including:

  • the Regio Emilio approach in our Early Childhood Education Centre, which values and promotes play based learning, 
  • as Transdisciplinary units of study in K to 6 that allow students to appreciate the connectedness of knowledge and build their understanding,
  • building to a blending of interdisciplinary and disciplinary learning with real world applications in Years 7 to 10 ensuring the relevance and currency of knowledge, understanding, interpretation and analysis,
  • before arriving at the traditional 'grammar school’ and disciplinary learning which upholds the integrity of each of the traditional subject areas, rewards original thought and creative endeavour. Students are guided towards the various pathways of specialist knowledge in the Higher School Certificate, while maintaining a ‘bigger picture’ perspective of skills in creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration that prepare them for their varied and interesting futures.

Learning is not defined at Hills Grammar by means of a singular track, or even by ‘hard work’ alone. Rather, we aim to develop independent, lifelong learners, confident thinkers and creative problem solvers. More significantly, our academic program offers a sound preparation for personal and professional success beyond the school environment and into which our students will graduate. Learning at Hills Grammar aims to be a challenging, rigorous, engaging and an inspiring experience for all concerned; and as an opportunity, not to be wasted.

From enrolment through to graduation, we aim to work in partnership with parents, and increasingly with the students themselves, to set goals, track, intervene, and celebrate achievement. Personalised Learning celebrates individual differences and aims to develop ‘Hills Originals’ through the nurturing of individual personalities and learning strengths. 

We believe the Hills Grammar approach strengthens each phase of learning, taps into the natural curiosity of students and makes them partners in, and increasingly responsible for, their learning and the quality of outcomes.

Our expectations of our children / students are important – to do their personal best and to strive for excellence in all they do. Over time the measure of our success as parents and as teachers is whether the students who attend Hills Grammar learn to expect personal best / excellence of themselves. Observing our students day in, day out I am confident that they navigate this journey with increasing confidence and arrive at their destination ready for the challenges that will face them beyond the school gates.

Michael Smith | Principal

Twitter: @Principal_Hills