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Alumni in the Spotlight | Christian Parsa

Can you provide an overview of your career journey so far?

My career began with owning various reptiles and other animals for over ten years. In my time, I have worked with and kept animals from all over the world including rescuing and rehabilitating native wildlife. This hands-on experience not only cultivated my understanding of different species but also instilled in me a profound sense of responsibility for the well-being of the animals in my care. Through daily interactions and dedicated husbandry practices, I developed an intimate connection with wildlife and a need to share my passion with people around me.

At the age of 15, my dedication to wildlife took me to a week of work experience at Taronga Zoo which led me to join Taronga’s Youth At The Zoo Program (YATZ) where I spent the next 4 years and over 1,000 hours. This experience allowed me to gain insights into the intricacies of zoo operations, conservation efforts, and the vital role that zoos play in education and advocacy. For the first time, I found myself surrounded by like-minded people and felt as if I was home. It was a transformative period that fuelled my desire to contribute to the industry and allowed me to make lifelong friends and connections within the wildlife and conservation industry.

Venturing beyond Taronga Zoo, I expanded my horizons by volunteering in various zoos across the region and found myself spending my month of ‘schoolies’ living in a reptile zoo in South Africa, where I got to work with some of the world's most feared snakes, spiders and crocodiles! Living and working in different environments not only exposed me to a diverse range of species but also provided invaluable cultural insights into the global efforts towards wildlife preservation. These experiences allowed me to look back at my experiences at Taronga and home with a new perspective.

During this time, I took steps to formalise my knowledge, completing a Certificate II in Animal Studies in 2019 as part of my HSC. This led me to make the unconventional choice to forego an ATAR. The crucial support I received from teachers and staff at Hills Grammar assured me that I was making the right decision to advance in my career. In 2021, I continued my educational journey with the completion of a Certificate III in Captive Animals, solidifying my commitment to my chosen career path.

In 2021, I embarked on an ambitious venture by establishing my own business, Raptor Reptiles, a mobile reptile zoo based in Sydney. This milestone subsequently earned me the distinction of becoming Australia's youngest-ever zoo owner at the age of 20. Since its inception, my business has experienced significant growth, evolving into an operation that has successfully reached tens of thousands of people within the local community and across the globe. This expansion has not only allowed me to share my passion for reptiles but also my fascination with anatomy and my heartfelt connection with the Culture and Country of Australia’s First Nation Peoples. Many of these opportunities have also presented unique collaborations with prominent organisations such as Netflix, 2Day FM, The Sydney Royal Easter Show, Channel 7’s Sunrise, and Amazon Prime Video. These partnerships have provided invaluable opportunities to showcase the captivating realm of reptiles to a broader audience, contributing to both public education and the broader mission of wildlife conservation. I am also lucky enough to give back to the community by offering volunteer and paid positions, as well as work placements to students. My journey thus far has been a testament to the power of passion, dedication, and a commitment to nurturing a bond between people and our natural world.

What inspired you to pursue this career path?

I can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t have a profound love for wildlife, especially reptiles. In year 6, after months of pestering my parents, I finally got my first reptile, a bearded dragon. From that moment, my passion for teaching others about wildlife and conservation took root. It became a source of immense joy to share my knowledge and experiences, inspiring people to foster a deep appreciation for the natural world. What truly fuels my dedication is the ability to offer other opportunities to connect with and contribute to the well-being of our planet.

Throughout this journey, many individuals have been an inspiration for me. Visionaries like Steve Irwin, David Attenborough, Brian Barczyk, and Jane Goodall have left an indelible mark on my path. Closer to home, Andrew Camilleri, a local reptile expert and the owner of Camos Reptiles, has been a particularly influential figure and mentor. The fortune of not only witnessing but also meeting Jane Goodall on multiple occasions stands as a profound highlight in my career. Their collective influence has been instrumental in instilling a passion for wildlife and conservation and creating meaningful opportunities for others.

What are your future aspirations?

As I continue my journey, my aspiration is to create opportunities for people to connect with and actively contribute to wildlife conservation. I envision owning and operating a physical location one day, providing individuals with the chance to visit and immerse themselves in my mission. I firmly believe that by growing my business and evolving myself, I can make a profound impact on the many crises our planet faces today.

What advice can you give to our Hills Originals?

Don’t be afraid to make your own path. There is no such a thing as “the right path”. Work every day to create and shape the world you envision, regardless of what is happening to you or around you. Design and create your future by living your passion. Turn your passion into your life’s work, then you’ll never work a day in your life.